
KamCheng Brotherhood

Thursday, January 13, 2005

This was sometime back in 03, at ulu yam, i've been hanging on to this pic for wuite awhile now, but now that there's a place for me to share stuff with you guys.. will keep em coming. Posted by Hello


i believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way..ilhan n lyana, two of the many (and knowing you guys, many more to come..hehe) of the next generation kamcheng.. Posted by Hello


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

KamCheng Brotherhood

KamCheng Brotherhood

The Kamcheng Weekend Getaway Trip to PD was a resounding success!

DAY ONE, Saturday 8th January 2005

We arrived at PD at 2.30pm, amidst the drizzle and wet KL-Seremban highway. Checked into Ancasa Resort All Suites into rooms C102 and C104, two bedroom unit apartments, hence a total of 4 rooms for the 4 homeys. Fiqar was so happy with his room and bed when he first saw it that he pressed hard many times the mattress and said "ah, ni boleh tahan ni". Apparently it's also a romantic & rekindling weekend getaway for some...

Dil and Azad immediately settled into their PS2 Soccer game. They were so much into the game that Azad had to sound them "woi, gelak punyalah kuat, nanti anak aku terperanjat". (doesn't that remind you of the phrase "nanti mak aku marah??"). After a change of clothes, we quickly went down for a quick dip in the beach at the Resort.

Right after that we had a round of burgers, teh tarik, keropok and tea.... what bliss...

We still managed to muster enough energy for a game of beach volleyball. Ibdil did very well as the inpenetrable defender. One tough ass to crack, I tried many times but failed to break his defences.... sigh... Fiqar scored 3 goals I think. Never underestimate the short ones.... Lal and Azad complained after the game that diorang dah pancit. Ajak main beach volleyball pun dah tak larat. But we played anyways. Because there were 5 of us, we had an imported player from Klang by the name of Michael who joined me & Azad against the Komeng, Fiqar and Dil.

A quick change of clothes, and I'm back on the field first playing beach soccer. As you all know, i'm not really good at that. So i only managed to move some sand and not score. Tripped Lal twice, but his centre of gravity is so stable that it's difficult to tumble him.

Beach volleyball followed. I think Azad's wife took a video of us doing it on the court, but not sure where and how we can upload this video. Azad, you carik mana2 file storage area and just give us the link to download OK?

Tired from all the excitement, hurrahs & jubilations of losing water polo, we threaded slowly back to our rooms for a quick nap and maghrib prayers. Around 8pm we left for dinner at Medan Ikan Bakar PD. We had ketam masak cili,2 types of fish: one steamed and the other masak 3 rasa. Kerang bakar, sotong goreng tepung. Tomyam, sup ekok, sayur kailan. did I miss anything. We fed like Kings that night... all the seafood hopefully exercised its aphrodisiacal properties, a bliss for the married ones...

That night, supposedly the Boys Nite Out night, didn't go an as planned for the lack of quota, and the absence of our Karaoke coordinator, Mafiz, who had cirit birit and couldn't make it to PD. It was really odd that a group of guys on holiday would usually be playing gin, black jack or poker, and here we are playing Scrabble... well it was fun and like Lal said "quite educational cause I just learnt that Daint is not really a word"

DAY TWO, Sunday 9th January 2005 (to be continued.....)


Steady Lal, steady..... Posted by Hello


Ancasa Resort All Suites... plus 4 sea urchins in the distance Posted by Hello


Diorang dua ni main PS2 mengalahkan budak2 bawah umur Posted by Hello


Blue Lagoon...Lal penuh bergaya dengan sunglasses barunya... Posted by Hello


Katil siapa yang sepah ni. Siap bantal susun in a threesome Posted by Hello


One of our rooms Posted by Hello


Meet the "Biras"es Posted by Hello


Romantic gak diorang dua ni (they are almost holding hands) Posted by Hello


Cak! Posted by Hello


A daddy's love Posted by Hello


Komeng in action Posted by Hello


So cute Posted by Hello


Azad, Lal, Fiqar & Mal's entire English vocabulary is on this Scrabble board. I created a new word: Daint, Azad: Tulo (telor) Posted by Hello


Seafood dinner at Medan Ikan Bakar PD Posted by Hello


Beach football Posted by Hello


One for the album Posted by Hello


An unsuccessful attempt of "tangkap dan bogelkan" Mal Posted by Hello


Dil enjoying a good & tender back rub from Azad Posted by Hello


Fiqar displaying fatherhood at its best... (who'd ever think that was possible huh? ha ha) Posted by Hello


Having tea, burgers & rojak buah after a short dip in Teluk Kemang Posted by Hello


Ibdil really looks like the Loch Ness monster in this pic Posted by Hello
